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Charles Cohen "Generator Live! 10.21.89" C90 Cassette (Tribe Tapes)

Charles Cohen "Generator Live! 10.21.89" C90 Cassette (Tribe Tapes)

Generator Experimental Music Gallery
East Village, New York City

Generator grew out of the international mail art and cassette networking scene I was involved in while living in the Lower East Side in the eighties. I opened Generator to find how much of an interest there was in the same scene locally. Generator quickly became a meeting place for artists and musicians who might have otherwise only known each other through the post. It also provided an opportunity to expose this culture to a new audience of people who were happy to stumble upon it. Visitors to Generator could play tapes, read zines, experience immersive sound environments and attend concerts and performances.

The Generator Archive Series offers a selection of concerts that were recorded live with a Sony Pro Walkman.

- Gen Ken Montgomery